Monday, May 30, 2011

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

Something I wish I could improve is appreciating myself.  I'm not saying that I dislike myself or anything like that, I just wish that I could learn to like the parts of me that I don't think are so great.  I think it would be absolutely wonderful to spend a day seeing myself from someone else's point of view.  Because various people tell me all the time how great I am and good things about me that I can't seem to see in myself.  I think it would be really eye opening.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to sit here and complain about everything I don't like about myself or try to fish for compliments.  Because that is not what I'm doing at all.  I'm just saying that I really want to work on my self perception and self-esteem.  I don't think I can think of one person who accepts every single thing about themselves and sees it all as ok.  I just wish I could for once get to see what other people see in me.

I feel like a hypocrite for saying this now, after everything I just wrote, but I also wish that some people around me could see what I see in them and understand that I truly mean everything that I say about them.  Especially the people in my life that I am most open and honest and close to.  Believe me, I would not say nice things about you if I truly didn't mean them.  And in that case, we probably wouldn't be friends if I didn't have nice things to say about you. 

I think that everyone needs someone to tell them how wonderful they are because sometimes you might lose sight of that.  Everyone needs someone there when they are doubting themselves to tell them that they are great.  Sometimes I do things that I wish I could change or do differently or something that I'm not proud of.  And it's at times like these that I need someone to tell me that I'm still me and they know how fantastic I am.

I titled this post with a quote from The Perks of Being a Wallflower (my favorite book btwww).  I like this quote because it is saying that you only get as much as you are willing to give yourself.  If you don't even love yourself then you can't expect anyone else to love you, partly because you won't be able to accept their love because you don't think you are worth it.  I guess I'm saying that I want to be able to fully accept myself so that eventually I can accept someone else's nice thoughts of me.  And for anyone reading this, maybe think about all the reasons why you are wonderful and why other people like you.  So the next time someone gives you a compliment, instead of saying how it isn't true, just accept it and reflect on why they like that about you.

Love me or hate me,
Molly :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Here We Lay Again...Riding Phone Lines

Blahhhh so I haven't written a blog post in forevskisss cause of stupid school.  Yuck.  But now I'm done til next fall so that's nice for now :)  Anywho, I don't really know what to write about so I guess I'll just write about something that I've been thinking about a lot lately.

If you ask me what I think the best quality to look for in a guy, (or even friends for that matter) I would hands down have to say being able to talk to them and have great conversations.  Yeah, sure it's just lovely if they are super good looking but if they can't even hold a conversation with you then what's the point.  Plus at some point in every person's life you get old and gross and then what do you have left if you can't even talk with someone??  The best people in my life are the ones I can talk to all day long and never run out of things to say or talk about.

I'm not saying that every conversation is a deep, meaningful, "let's figure out the secret to life" conversation.  Because obviously they aren't like that.  But I just love having someone there to always chat with when I want to talk to a friend.  If you know me at all then you know that I text literally all the time and I always have my phone.  So I really appreciate all the people in my life that I constantly text just to chat with like literally everyday.  And I'm also sorry if it gets annoying :/ lol  I also very much enjoy just sitting around with my closest friends and just talking forever.  Late night talks are the absolute best, that's for sure :)

So I guess what I'm saying in this post (sorry if this one is boring!) is that I really do appreciate all my friends that are always willing to talk to me and listen to me even when it seems like I have nothing great to say at all.   It's what builds any relationship and is super important to me so I thank each and every one of you.  You all know who you are ;)

Love me or hate me,
Molly :)